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play chess
美音: [plei t?es] 英音: []

play chess基本解釋


play chess在線翻譯

play chess網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 下象棋:彈鋼琴:play the piano | 下象棋:playchess | 加入游泳俱樂部:join the swimming club


2. 玩象棋:玩中國象棋 play Chinese chess | 玩象棋 playchess | 玩跳棋 play checkers

3. 下棋 closet壁櫥:Draw pictures 畫畫 teddy bear(軟毛)玩具熊 | Playchess 下棋 closet壁櫥 | Do art projects 做手工

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