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美音: [ka?nt] 英音: [ka?nt]



名詞總數(shù); 數(shù)數(shù); 罪狀; 論點

動詞數(shù)數(shù); 計算總數(shù); 把…算入; 重要



1. Every second counts.

2. They are counting the books they collected.


1. The count lived in that big house.

2. He was found guilty on two counts.

3. count的意思

3. There were so many cars that I lost count.


Sorry, I'm Late-(對不起,我遲到了)

A:Well, you finally got here.

B:It's about time. I've been waiting in this restaurant a full thirty minutes.

A:Sorry, Jeannie. You know me. I'm always late.

B:Everybody knows, and every body's getting tired of it.

A:All I can say is sorry. Maybe I'll reform, but don't count on it.


A:Excuse me. Can you tell me how to find some books on social science?


B:Sure. You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls?



B:These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library. Together they constitute the library’s “card catalog”.You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another. For example, this drawer goes from SCA to SCM.
這些抽屜里裝著這本圖書館所有圖書的卡片,它們構(gòu)成了圖書館的“卡片目錄”。你可以看出每只抽屜都是從字母表中的一部分排到另一部分。比如說這只抽屜,就是從SCA 排到SCM。

A:So if I’m looking for a look called A History of Western Society, I’d just look under “A”.


B:No. You’d look under “W”. The articles “a” and “the” don’t count in our alphabetization, and card are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as “history of”, “introduction to”, “story of” and so forth.
不。應(yīng)該“W”下找。冠詞“a”和“the”不包括在字母排列中。一般來說,目錄卡片往往省略一些特別常用的詞和詞組。如“history of”,“introduction to”,“story of”等等。

A:What if I don’t know the title of the book?

B:When you can look under the author’s name.

A:Could you give me an example?

B:Suppose you want to find a book by your professor, William Smith. You’d look under SMITH and then WILLIAM. Since that’s a very common name, you may have to go through several “William Smith” until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you’re interested in.
假如你要找一本你的導(dǎo)師威廉?史密斯教授寫的書,你可以在SMITH 欄下尋找,由于William Smith 是一個很常見的姓名,你可能得查閱很多William Smith 才能找到你所感興趣的書的那位William Smith。


1. count什么意思

1. 統(tǒng)計:其它函數(shù)如平均分(AVERAGE)、求和(SUM)、條件統(tǒng)計(COUNT)等都可以用這樣的方法得到. 因為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差學(xué)科情況有很大變化,也隨學(xué)科總分值和試題難度系數(shù)而變化(難度較大的學(xué)科和總分較高的學(xué)科標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差會較大),所以為了使各學(xué)科之間能夠比較、各次考試能夠比較,


1. 數(shù)數(shù)
When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number.

e.g. He was counting slowly under his breath...
e.g. Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars.

2. 計算(或清點)總數(shù)
If you count all the things in a group, you add them up in order to find how many there are.

e.g. At the last family wedding, George's wife counted the total number in the family...
e.g. I counted the money. It was more than five hundred pounds...

The counting of votes is proceeding smoothly.

3. 數(shù)數(shù);數(shù)出的數(shù)
A count is the action of counting a particular set of things, or the number that you get when you have counted them.


e.g. The final count in last month's referendum showed 56.7 per cent in favour...
e.g. At the last count the police in the Rimini area had 247 people in custody.

4. (某物的)計數(shù)
You use count when referring to the level or amount of something that someone or something has.

e.g. A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count...
e.g. My husband had a very low sperm count.

5. (為計算時間的)計數(shù),數(shù)數(shù)
You use count in expressions such as a count of three or a count of ten when you are measuring a length of time by counting slowly up to a certain number.

e.g. Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out...
e.g. The fight ended when Mendoza landed a hard right to the chin of Palacios, who went down for a count of eight.

6. 重要;有價值
If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable.

e.g. Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it...
e.g. It's as if your opinions, your likes and dislikes just don't count...

7. (尤指在特定環(huán)境中或在特定規(guī)則下)將…看作,將…視為
If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules.

e.g. No one agrees on what counts as a desert...
e.g. Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong...

8. 把…算入;包括
If you count something when you are making a calculation, you include it in that calculation.


e.g. It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force...
e.g. The years before their arrival in prison are not counted as part of their sentence.

9. 點;方面;事項
You can use count to refer to one or more points that you are considering. For example, if someone is wrong on two counts, they are wrong in two ways.

e.g. 'You drink Scotch,' she said. 'All Republicans drink Scotch.' — 'Wrong on both counts. I'm a Democrat, and I drink bourbon.'

10. 指控;罪狀
In law, a count is one of a number of charges brought against someone in court.


e.g. He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder.

11. 記錄…的數(shù)目/記不清…的數(shù)目
If you keep count of a number of things, you note or keep a record of how many have occurred. If you lose count of a number of things, you cannot remember how many have occurred.


e.g. The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as helicopters search the area...
e.g. She'd lost count of the interviews she'd been called for.

12. 失去意識;熟睡
If someone is out for the count, they are unconscious or very deeply asleep.

13. 公開表明態(tài)度
If you say that someone should stand up and be counted, you mean that they should say publicly what they think, and not hide it or be ashamed of it.


e.g. Those involved and benefiting from the scandal must be prepared to stand up and be counted.

14. to count your blessings -> see blessing

相關(guān)詞組:count againstcount incount oncount outcount towardscount upcount upon



1. the act of counting
reciting numbers in ascending order

e.g. the counting continued for several hours

Synonym: countingnumerationenumerationreckoningtally

2. a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl

3. the total number counted

e.g. a blood count


1. include as if by counting

e.g. I can count my colleagues in the opposition

2. take account of

e.g. You have to reckon with our opponents
Count on the monsoon

Synonym: reckon

3. have faith or confidence in

e.g. you can count on me to help you any time
Look to your friends for support
You can bet on that!
Depend on your family in times of crisis

Synonym: betdependlookcalculatereckon

4. name or recite the numbers in ascending order

e.g. The toddler could count to 100

5. determine the number or amount of

e.g. Can you count the books on your shelf?
Count your change

Synonym: numberenumeratenumerate

6. show consideration for
take into account

e.g. You must consider her age
The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient

Synonym: considerweigh

7. have weight
have import, carry weight

e.g. It does not matter much

Synonym: matterweigh

8. put into a group

e.g. The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members

Synonym: number

9. have a certain value or carry a certain weight

e.g. each answer counts as three points

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